Monday, March 4, 2013

Baby is cured of HIV after aggressive early treatment, doctors say

A Mississippi baby born with HIV has been declared cured after 2 1/2 years of treatment, giving hope to millions of people worldwide. This would be the second-ever documented case of a patient cured of the AIDS virus. (The first was a man in Berlin in 2007, who was treated with a bone-marrow transplant.) Although it's just one patient and we can't assume everything that worked for this baby will work for others, it's still bringing hope to doctors about the possibilities for treating children born with HIV. The child received an "aggressive antiretroviral treatment" within 31 hours of birth, a more intense and immediate dose than what the World Health Organization currently calls for. Doctors believe it might have stopped the virus from making "viral reservoirs" in this young patient. They say they see occasional "signals" of the virus in her system, but they can detect no viral activity, which they call a "functional cure."


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